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I want to laugh...but I just can't...it is too true, because I am Veteran Barbie.

I am exactly the kind of person who would put RE Ken and Veteran IVF Barbie together under the covers in the Dream House bedroom and make porn music noises with my mouth.


This Ken-less Veteran Barbie *is* doing just fine, especially since I learned to stop playing with Newbie Barbies.

LOVE your blog.

Love this! I used to have a Barbie townhouse when I was kid (my number-one prized possession in the entire world). Just think, I could have outfitted it with stirrup-equipped tables, ultrasound monitors, catheters, progesterone suppositories, and some specimen cups. That would have been so much more fun!

Oh, and can we add RE Barbie to this line-up?

Tertia, this is priceless. I love Barbie spoof stuff--I have a couple of books of Denise Duhamel's poetry (she does Barbie spoof poetry, it's hysterical). I would trade the heads of Newbie and Pregnant Barbie and spin them around satanically while muhahahahahing.

You are VERY funny. I am feeling insecure and jealous now 'cos you write very well (goodly) - see I can't even get my grammar right. No this post will NOT be all about me. It's all about you being funny, intelligent and generally divine. Gotta love you. Constipated or not!

I absolutely love this. I also think you need an RE Nurse Barbie. Because they are always so pleasant.

Oops. Sorry. You do have a Nurse Barbie. My mistake.

I want to laugh but I'm too choked up.

You've nailed it woman.

I've clawed my way through all the stages of IVF Barbie and developed a healthy dislike of baby dust, perky tits positive thinking and pithy platitudes.

You rock.

OMG!! that was definately one of the funnier things I have read in quite some time!!!

Is there a make-do Barbie? The ones who'll make their maternity clothes from sweater sleeves? The ones who live in the Dream Shoe Box House and turn maxi pads into easy chairs? The ones who read about the turkey baster and gave it some thought?


Wow... you've definitely been there. Enjoyed finding your blog. Your IVF Barbies cracked me up, especially comparison between baby dust perky newbies and ascerbic veterans. I became the IVF Veteran Barbie. Now guess I'm the coming to resolution and accepting childfree Barbie.

Wow... you've definitely been there. Enjoyed finding your blog. Your IVF Barbies cracked me up, especially comparison between baby dust perky newbies and ascerbic veterans. I became the IVF Veteran Barbie. Now guess I'm the coming to resolution and accepting childfree Barbie.


This is spot-on. I was a Veteran Barbie, Pregnant Veteran Barbie and am now a Veteran Mom Barbie (is there such a thing??) because I am STILL in disbelief that I ever got pregnant in the first place - and that these kids are mine. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if someone rang my door bell and told me that they were here to pick up the kids and bring them back to their "real parents". Yes, they'll be 2 in 4 months. I have NO idea when it will sink in that these are MY kids, and they are here to stay.

The only thing that I think you left off your description is with Pregnant Veteran Barbie ... very similar to Veteran Barbie, only now with an added dose of neuroses, paranoia AND NAUSEA. But she's getting lots of +++++ vibes that the crappy feeling will pass soon.

(What about Anon Barbie?? She could actually be any of the Barbie's but comes with her own separate "Anon" hat that she wears when she's feeling cynical and wants to bring other Barbie's down. She's usually a real bitch.)

Your twins were born in Jan. of 2005 - - so the inspiration for this post must have come about as you were going through the cycle that brought them to you!

I hate newbie barbie and pregnant newbie barbie. i know it's mean - but I do. thank you for writing and sharing this so right.

What a laugh!! Just what I needed today!

I see your Doc was Dr Heylen, I'll be seeing him on the 23rd of Jan in prep for my first IVF planned for March.

Lovely blog, keep it up.

I think we need a new line of barbie friends. the extended family, the good friend, the frustrating insensitive friend. really could make a fortune. hmm maybe these barbies could also come with pins to prick them with - now that would be a seller!!! :)

You need to add a Beyond Vetdom Barbie

You need to add a Beyond Vetdom Barbie

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