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AHA! I get it! To all those people in my life who say I am obsessing over reading the blogs of people I don't even know: I JUST DON'T CARE! :)

Thanks, Tertia!

When I am all dead and gone (not anytime soon mind you!!!), the strangers that passed me by will not care or even how bad I looked / seemed/ appeared... it's the people that knew me for me that has mattered....and they are the ones who's images I have burned into their memories !!

God, I think I love you.

Except that you are working too hard to take my nerd crown away.

My holey shirts will beat yours anyday, and my belly? Well, thankfully it showed up after my DH fell in love with me.

PS - HAPPY 36 WEEKS!!!!!


Wow. I really needed to read this today.

Thanks Tertia.

I'll buy into the "Gorgeous and Divine" part, but can I get the rest without that horrid "JUST" word? Or maybe we can re-invent it to be written "Juust" - surely an extra "u" gives it more merit?

Happy 36 weeks, indeed! You old cow. LOL

Would you ever consider taking a trip to the capital of the most powerful nation in the world--'cause I'd love to hang with you. You rock!

After that, I'm feeling so postive about myself, ready to face the day! I am beautiful!

I tried explaining that to a couple of girls that were bitching about a snooty look they felt they received from a female stranger walking down the street. I said who cares? Are you ever going to see her again? Probably not. Get over it. They looked at me like I was an alien. Oh well.

Thank you for this Tertia, Thank you.

Happy 36 weeks!

My Mum has the same attitude, but her mantra is "fuck 'em"!

God, I love you. You could not have posted this entry at a more perfect time for me to read it. You're brilliant. I heart you :)

Excellent theory. Will try to put it into practice. Would compliment you on your insight, today a day late for the post --- but CANNOT AS I THINK YOU ARE GIVING BIRTH TO PERFECT TWINS!

You know what? I like you too (not that you care...).

And I like me even better.

Along the lines of reminding the hubby how good he has it - - I taught my kids to tell me I'm the best mom in the whole world!

Love it!! I'm a great fan of Bette Midler's early work back when she was "The Divine Miss M". Congrats on the birth of Adam and Kate!! Love, Peg

Loved this post! I get so effin annoyed when people judge, when really there is no judgement to be made! I could care less.

Best Wishes on your newborn twins! - that is so awesome you made it to 36 weeks! Congrats!

I just started reading your blog. I wanted to say thanks for this post. It spoke VOLUMES to me... Congratulations on becoming a mommy! And Double blessing. :)

i love it and totally agree!
(and I totally missed this post until now because I was too distracted by the text messages!)

Aaarghh...!! This is SO great. Thank you, thank you. I'm gonna blog about this and trackback to you, only I don't really know how. I just love your outlook on loving yourself and just not caring when others don't. You go girl!!

can we still post own stories here.

Wow. I am amazed by your blog. First time reader. I'm thinking of starting my own little conception blog because well, it's my first time conceiving and I have a high risk for infertility (35 and w/ endo). Let's just say I'm scared. But it's nice to read sane blogs like yours.


I have been reading your blog for many moons, as well as Karen's at the Naked Ovary. She went private back in the Fall. I was busy with pregnancy and birth. Now I'd love to find her again. Is there an email at which I can contact her and ask for a password?


Just read your thoughts on getting Breast Implants. Go for it and don't look back for any reason.Just prepare yourself for the posssible complications and the healing process. After that,your new body image will not only be a physical change that you will sense both visually and sensually,but your psyche will change on how your are preceived.Most women experience a renewed self confidence and a feeling of youthful rejuvination.Blog us if you decide to "go for broke."

Hey i liked that but im a model....lols and alot of girls should also give modeling a chance!!!!!!!

I like it and the background and colors make it easy to read:

made it .All information on this site is represented for users. A site isb

Great site. I will bookmark for my sons to view as well!!!

I can find the prayer I want. I thank God for this website.c

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